Sunday Worship Guidelines

  • Masks will be required as worshippers enter the building and throughout the worship service.
  • We will practice social distancing by maintaining appropriate distance between people.
  • Worshippers will be seated on the ends of the pews, staggering the seating by every other pew. This will create a safe amount of social distancing. Family units, couples or individuals will sit in the allocated spaces in each usable pew.
  • Ushers and greeters will be equipped with gloves and masks.
  • The Main Street Sanctuary doors will be used for entrances and exits, and doors will be opened and closed by ushers or greeters.
  • After the worship service, everyone will be dismissed by rows, maintaining social distancing.
  • We will sanitize seats, doorknobs and handles, bathrooms, water fountains and other frequently touched surfaces between services.
  • Although we won’t have congregational singing, music will be a part of worship through instruments and designated worship leaders for each service.
  • Offering baskets will be placed in the back of the sanctuary to collect tithes and offerings.
  • Prepackaged communion elements will be given to worshippers as they enter the sanctuary. Worshippers joining us virtually may pick up communion elements the Thursday before Communion Sunday in the drive thru on the south side of the church 6-8 pm.
  • If you are not feeling well or have been in close contact with someone who has been ill, please choose to worship from home for the safety of all in attendance.
  • We will not be providing donuts or coffee for the time-being.
  • Worship guides will not be provided, but worshippers will be guided through worship with the use of the screens.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What will social distancing look like in your worship space? 
    We will seat individuals and family units at the end of pews, using every other row. This allows for 40 family units in each worship service with proper seating.
  • How will you ensure the cleanliness of the sanctuary?
    Church volunteers will clean the sanctuary between services.
  • Will hand sanitizing stations be available?
    Yes, no-touch hand sanitizing stations will be available at every door and entrance to the sanctuary.
  • Will your restrooms be open?
    Restrooms in the Family Life Center will be open for use.
  • Will there be people there to show us where to sit and when to leave the sanctuary?
    Yes, ushers will make sure that everything runs smoothly, assist you in finding a seat, and help you if you need a mask or hand sanitizer.
  • Will you provide masks? 

    Yes, we will provide disposable masks if you do not have one as you enter the sanctuary.

  • Will the nursery be open during worship services?
    Yes, we plan to have the nursery open for families that need it. Our nursery workers will be wearing masks, and the nursery will be sanitized in between services.
  • How will we dismiss from the service, maintaining social distancing?
    Ushers will assist us in dismissing one pew at a time, to aid in keeping social distancing as we leave the sanctuary.
  • How will offerings be collected?
    We will have baskets in the back of the sanctuary for everyone to drop their offerings in as they either enter or leave the sanctuary.


FMC Weatherford
301 S. Main
Weatherford, TX 76086